Can you imagine life without ever having to worry about broken dentures again? Dental implants can improve your smile and increase your teeth’ health and appearance. While getting dental implants is fascinating, taking proper care of your newly implanted teeth ensures longevity. Follow our dos and don’ts after dental implant outlined below!

The Do’s And Don’ts When Considering Dental Implant

Do: After Surgery, Give Yourself Time To Heal

To achieve the best results from any surgical treatment, adequate recovery time is required. We advise taking it easy for the first week and maintaining proper oral hygiene, though healing times for each patient vary. Be mindful of the signals your body sends you, and if you need to take a break from work or physically demanding activities, do so.

Do: Eat Healthful Foods 

Your implants may need some time to adapt and link to your gum tissue now that they have been inserted. This entails avoiding foods that will increase pressure on your new implants, resulting in increased pain and a possible delay in recovery. Choose softer-textured foods like yogurt, soup, pureed fruits and vegetables, cottage cheese, and so on.

Do: Try To Stop Chewing Or Smoking Tobacco

Smoking or chewing tobacco does raise your risk for infection. However, we are aware that old habits are difficult to quit. Patients who smoke frequently increase their risk of getting mouth cancer and gum disease, and they are also less likely to have enough bone mass to support dental implants due to these complications. In some severe cases, the implants might need to be removed.

Do: Treat The Aftereffects Of Surgery

Bleeding, edema, and pain are typical side effects a few days after surgery. Dial your Lubbock dentist’s number immediately if bleeding becomes excessive and continuous. Biting on a gauze pack administered to the surgical site may help to reduce bleeding, and applying an ice pack to the injured area may help to reduce swelling.

Don’t: Don’t Practice Good Oral Hygiene

The golden guideline for conserving and maintaining your natural teeth is to practice good dental hygiene. Your dental implants follow the same rules. When you can resume your routine after your procedure and brush and floss your teeth as directed by your dental implant specialist, this will reduce plaque accumulation and other problems that could eventually impair the functionality of your implants.

Don’t: Wait Before Speaking With Your Dentist

Even though your Lubbock dentist would have planned your subsequent appointment after surgery, you should wait to talk to them about any problems you might be having until then. The sooner you get in touch, the sooner the problem can be fixed, allowing for a quicker and healthier recovery.

Don’t: Get Close To The Surgical Site

Keep your mouth’s implant area, and don’t poke it with anything. Use extremely light pressure when cleaning your teeth close to an afflicted area. Refrain from over-rinse the region, too.

Don’t: Actively Engage In Physical Activity

Avoid lifting, bending, pulling, or pushing big objects to prevent excessive bleeding, pain, or swelling. Take it easy in bed on the first day so your gums can recover from the stress. Heavy activity should be postponed because your body might be unable to tolerate it with inadequate calorie and fluid intake. Additionally, avoid standing up too quickly, as this can produce dizziness.

Follow Your Doctor’s Instructions 

Dental implants are a great way to improve your smile, but it is essential to take care of them after the surgery. With the appropriate care, dental implants can last a lifetime! Be sure to follow your dentist’s instructions and discuss any concerns you have with them.